Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"We have an infection here and it's a Republican infection that's really spreading across this nation."

That is a quote from CA Lt. Governor Garamendi (found here). This is something I've been pondering for the past few days and frankly, it's the truth.

Republicans at this point are basically like Christian Scientists. No, not scientists who believe that Jesus died for our sins, but Christian Scientists, those wackjobs that, no matter what, will not seek medical attention. Instead, they pray.

This is like the current incarnation of the Republican party. Instead of getting the recommended dose of government stimulus, these idiots are praying that Tax Cuts will some how heal the broken budgets of state legislatures nation-wide.

They say they are standing on principle (which, for some reason, didn't stop them from running all the spending when they were in power). I say they are dangerous fanatics that we shouldn't allow anywhere near government.